Feb 12, 2023ScribblesTen Things Your Teen Is Reluctant to Tell YouTen Things Your Teen Is Reluctant to Tell You by Colleen L. Reece The full, original, text for this article appears in the table below...
Feb 12, 2023ScribblesChange: Resistance - Stability versus ChangeCHANGE Resistance - Stability versus Change All movement engenders resistance. Since experience is in constant flux, it too takes place...
Dec 16, 2022ScribblesCould You Just ListenWhen I ask you to listen to me, and you start giving me advice, you have not done what I asked. When I ask you to listen to me, and you...
Mar 18, 2022ScribblesThe Journey Out of DespairThe journey out of despair; a maelstrom of emotion and thought sapping what little energy there is. An unchosen journey taken with heavy...
Oct 5, 2019ScribblesPale Blue DotVoyager 1 and 2 launched in 1977. Vicariously experiencing Voyager affects our perception and existential place in the cosmos